What are the Pros and Cons of Using Tape In Wig Extensions?

June 22, 2023

wig extensions

Tape-in wig extensions are a type of semi-permanent hair extension applied by sandwiching a thin strip of natural hair between two adhesive strips of hair extension tape. What if you have black hair? Or curly hair? Get comfortable and read this post to learn more about tape hair extensions. 

What are Tape-In Wig Extensions? 

They come in pre-cut strips, which are applied to the hair. It involves sectioning the hair, then placing the extensions on either side of the section and pressing them together to create a secure bond. The entire process is repeated until all desired sections of hair have been extended.

What are Their Advantages? 

Easy to Install

They are quick and easy to install. It means that you can have longer or fuller hair in just a matter of minutes. 


Unlike other types of extensions, these wig extensions are designed to be gentle on the hair and scalp and are less likely to cause damage or breakage. 

Natural Look 

Because these extensions are typically made from real human hair, they can look and feel very natural. This can be a great option for people who are looking for a more seamless and realistic extension solution. 

wig extensions


These extensions can be styled and cut just like natural hair. It means that you can achieve a variety of different looks and styles. 


Depending on the quality of the hair and the type of tape used, these extensions can last for several weeks or even months with proper care and maintenance. 

Easy Removal

These extensions can be easily removed by a professional stylist. With that in mind, you can switch up your look whenever you want without causing damage to your natural hair. 

While these extensions have potential benefits, there are a few drawbacks. 

  • Cost: They are more expensive than other types of extensions. This is especially true if you choose high-quality human hair extensions. 
  • Maintenance: These extensions need regular maintenance and touch-ups to maintain their appearance and prevent damage to the natural hair. 
  • Limited duration: They are semi-permanent solutions and typically need to be removed and reinstalled every 4-8 weeks depending on the growth rate of your hair. 
  • Potential for damage: While they are designed to be less damaging than other types of extensions, they can still cause damage if they are not installed or maintained properly. The tape adhesive can cause hair breakage or tangling if not removed correctly. 
  • Difficult for some hair types: If you have fine or thin hair, these extensions may not be the best option for you as they may not adhere well to your hair and may cause discomfort.
  • Limited styling options: They can limit your styling options, particularly when it comes to wearing your hair up or in certain styles, as the tapes may be visible. 

These extensions can be a great option for a lot of people. It is vital to weigh the potential pros and cons carefully to ensure that you pick the right type of product for your hair type and lifestyle. 

Get Your Hair Extensions 

If you believe that wig extensions are ideal for your situation, please visit our products page and start browsing our extensive selections of hair extensions. 

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