How to Properly Maintain Women’s Real Hair Wigs in Winter?

July 20, 2023

women’s real hair wigs

The winter season is fast approaching. It is vital to pay extra attention to the maintenance of your women’s real hair wigs. Cold weather, dry indoor heating, and winter accessories can greatly affect the appearance and condition of your wig. Thus, to keep them looking fabulous throughout the winter months, follow these maintenance tips. You can thank us later. 

Essential Tips for Maintaining Women’s Real Hair Wigs

Protect the Wig from the Elements

What are these elements? For instance, if it is raining or snowing, make sure to use an umbrella or hat to shield your wig from moisture. Do not expose your wig to extreme cold temperatures for extended periods. Protect the wig from direct contact with winter accessories, such as scarves and high collars. They can only cause friction and tangles. 

Do Not Overexpose the Wig to Heat Sources 

Indoor heating during the winter can be drying, not only for your natural hair but also for your wig. Thus, avoid placing the wig near direct heat sources, such as radiators or fireplaces, as excessive heat can only cause the hair to become brittle and lose its natural shine. Choose a room humidifier to combat the dryness and maintain the moisture level in the air. 

Use Deep Conditioning

When you deal with dry wigs, weekly hair masks can be a lifesaver. It can counteract dryness. It can also ensure that your hair is covered all year round. A deep conditioner can help in softening and moisturizing your hair. But do not use products with harsh chemicals or alcohol. Instead, opt for conditioners that will keep your wig hydrated and prevent it from becoming dry and brittle. 

women’s real hair wigs

Do Not Over Wash

During winter, you should reduce the frequency of washing your wig. Too much washing will only strip away the natural oils and moisture from the hair. As a result, it leaves the wig dry and dull. Thus, aim to wash it only when necessary. If it becomes noticeably dirty, then it is an indication it needs washing. Focus on proper maintenance and styling techniques to keep it looking fresh between washings. 

Store the Wig Properly 

Proper storage is vital to maintain the quality and longevity of your wig. When not in use, store it on a wig stand or in a wig box to preserve its shape and prevent tangling. Make sure the wig is clean and completely dry before storing it. Do not store it near heat sources or in areas prone to extreme temperature fluctuations, as this will only affect the hair fibers. 

Detangle with Care

Winter weather can lead to increased tangling and static in your wig. Invest in a wide-toothed comb. This is especially great for wigs. And when you comb your wig, you must start from the ends. Work your way up to prevent unnecessary stress or damage to the hair. You may also apply a leave-in conditioner to make the process easier. 

Invest in High-quality Wigs 

No matter how you care for your wigs, if they are made from poor-quality materials, they still will not last long. That’s why you must only purchase premium quality women’s real hair wigs to guarantee their longevity. Shop our collection by visiting our online shop. 

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