How to Moisturize a Dry Human Hair Wig and What Products to Use?

June 08, 2023

human hair wig

There are various types of wigs available. But a human hair wig is the most popular for those who are looking to wear a natural-looking wig. However, this type of wig can become dry and brittle. This is especially true if you expose it to heat, styling products, or environmental factors. 

Why Do Human Hair Wigs Become Dry? 

One of the main reasons is the lack of moisture. It is just like natural hair. The wig needs moisture to stay healthy and hydrated. When it is dry, it can be brittle, dull, and prone to breakage. And if you use heat styling tools without applying heat protectant products, you can expect your wig to become dry and damaged over time. Thankfully, there are ways to enliven it. 

Use a Moisturizing Shampoo and conditioner 

This is one of the easiest ways to moisturize a dry wig. Look for a shampoo and a conditioner that contain ingredients, like shea butter, coconut oil, or organ oil. They are known to help hydrate and nourish the hair. Make sure to rinse the products thoroughly to prevent product buildup. Not rinsing it properly can make the hair look greasy. 

Apply a Leave-in Conditioner

A leave-in conditioner is a great way to keep your wig moisturized throughout the day. You should look for a lightweight leave-in conditioner that will not weigh the hair down. Apply it to the ends of the wig before styling. But is it safe? Yes, it is generally safe. However, it still depends on the product. It is important to pick a product that is designed for wigs and safe for use on synthetic or human hair. Avoid using a conditioner that contains ingredients that can weaken hair fibers. 

human hair wig

Use a Heat Protectant Spray

Excessive heat can strip moisture from the wig. It can also cause it to become dry and brittle. If you use heat styling tools, like hair straighteners or curling iron, make sure to use a heat protectant spray before styling. It will help protect the hair from damage and keep it hydrated. 

Store the Wig Properly 

Proper storage is vital to keeping the human hair wig moisturized. Store it on a wig stand or mannequin head to retain its shape and prevent tangles. Do not store it in direct sunlight. Otherwise, it can cause the hair to be dry and brittle. 

Consider Natural Oil 

When choosing the best oil for a dry wig, you may opt for organ oil. It is a popular choice because it is lightweight and easily absorbed. It can also help improve the hair’s moisture levels without leaving any residue. It is also rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that can help protect and nourish the hair. You may also use coconut oil as it is rich in medium-chain fatty acids that can penetrate the hair shaft and provide deep hydration. 

What is the Best Wig to Use? 

It depends on your style. You may shop for short human hair wig or opt for a petite human hair blend wig. There are plenty of options to choose from when you visit the BWO shop page. Make sure to check out hairstyle categories and brands to further assist you. 

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