How to Make Mens Wigs Last Long?

June 20, 2023

mens wigs

One of the many questions of our male clients is this, “I’m a man. Can I wear a wig?” It used to be a taboo for men to openly admit that they were wearing wigs. The reason for this is that wigs are considered feminine. But those days are long gone, and Men’s wigs are starting to become more mainstream.

Stylish and Natural-Looking Men's Wigs

Wigs for men are a great way to achieve a stylish and natural-looking hair replacement. Whenever you wear a wig to cover hair loss, change up your style, or for a theatrical performance, it is vital to take good care of it to make it last as long as possible. 

Storing the Wig Properly 

The materials of any wig are delicate. Thus, you must store the wig properly to ensure longevity. But where? You can keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as heat and humidity can damage the hair fibers. 

Clean it Regularly 

Regular cleaning is vital to keep it looking fresh and new. To know how often to wash it, you need to consider how often you wear it. Generally, you need to wash it after 6 to 8 wears. Or clean it every four to six weeks. But your lifestyle can play a huge part in determining how often to wash it. If you smoke, for instance, you may need to wash it more often. If it looks lifeless, then it is a sign that you need to wash it using shampoo and conditioner. Do not use regular shampoo. Make sure that it is formulated for the type of wig that you have. When washing, be gentle with it. You should also avoid rubbing or twisting the hair. Rinse it thoroughly and let the wig air dry on a wig stand. 

mens wigs

Avoid Heat Damage 

The use of heat-styling tools can damage the fibers of your wig. Even if it is made from human hair, frequent styling will still cause damage. Therefore, when you style it always make sure to use a heat protectant spray and set the temperature to a low or medium setting. You can also try using a wet set or rollers to style your wig without heat. 

Remove the Wig When Sleeping 

Some people have the habit of wearing a wig even when they are sleeping. But this is bad news for the wig. This can cause damage to the fibers and can lead to tangling. You should take it off before you sleep and make sure to store it on a wig stand to maintain its shape. 

Protect It from Friction 

Wearing a wig cap or hair net under your wig can help protect it from friction and prevent it from slipping. Be cautious when wearing hats or headbands, as they can rub against the wig and cause damage. 

Handle It With Care

Be gentle when handling your wig. Rough handling can easily tangle and damage it. Avoid pulling or tugging on the hair. If you need to comb it, make sure to use a wig brush. This type of brush can detangle the hair properly without causing damage. You should also start at the end of the hair and work your way up. 

Finding the Right Wig 

Now that you know how to take care of your wig, it is time to shop for men’s wigs. Please check out our Wigs for men page. 

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